Paradigm Arts is a new way of thinking (and working) specifically in arts education. The support and challenge we provide will give rise to the best possible programme of activities and importantly a tailored and bespoke response to your individual needs.
Paradigm Arts provides you, your school, your staff and your community with the chance to design how the arts and cultural activities contribute to pupils' social, emotional and cultural development, inspiring long term positive learning outcomes.
If you would like to arrange a visit and the chance to talk with our team and learn more about how we can help - please do not hesitate to contact us using the Contact page.
Robert Pitman

Over the last twenty years I have worked tirelessly to develop a methodology and an infrastructure for partner agencies, cultural organisations, artists, practitioners and schools, to provide children and young people with access to a high quality offer of Arts and Cultural experiences.
I have developed arts and cultural strategy for local authorities, been responsible for the development and successful delivery of large arts and cultural events and I have advised national agencies on the development of strategic resourcing and programming, to encourage the widest possible engagement and impact from investment.
I am passionate about the role that the arts and culture should play in the life of the child and I am determined to help the UK preserve its identity as one of the worlds creative powerhouses.
Fostering links for young people with creative industries and ensuring that classroom based activity has a tangible and meaningful link with the world beyond the school gates is of paramount importance. My work across all sectors of education has been to try and bring together a framework of experiences and opportunities, designed to help children and young people translate early educational achievement into meaningful attainment and develop the critical and creative skills vital for their future.
Sam Atkins

Hi, I'm Sam and have been working within the media and education industry for twenty years. Following a successful career in TV production I was appointed the role of a broadcast journalist with the BBC. Whilst with the BBC (Nations and Regions) I was part of the development team that established the highly successful BBC News School Report and BBC Parachutes programmes working with young people to produce professional level news packages for BBC output.
In 2008 I established C1 Media Ltd, a media in education business, and to date have engaged with over 6500 young people from primary, secondary special, college and higher education sectors.
Within my first year of operation with the Arts Service at CfBT Education Trust, we also launched The Young Journalist Academy in 2008. This highly successful education programme provides professional level training for children and young people. Partnerships developed over the years for both the YJA programme and other projects include: The Royal Albert Hall, BBC, English National Ballet, RAF, The Guardian, Cirque du Soleil, National Theatre and Royal Opera House.
Sara Bullimore

I have been working in the arts and cultural sector for over 20 years and during this time I have developed not only my own professional skills but more importantly, created high quality opportunities for commuities to participate, learn and enjoy the role arts and culture play in our lives.
Initiating, delivering and managing a vast range of artistic projects both as an independent freelance arts consultant and in previous roles as the Arts Development Officer at City of Lincoln Council and at National Dance Agencies in Nottingham and London, have helped me to understand the value and critical importance of collaboration and partnership working.
In particular my personal passions are literature and dance - I fully believe in the transformative power meaningful participation in quality arts and culture can have on a person's life - regardless of age or ability!
I have extensive experience working with mupltiple partners and funders on projects. Working for the City of Lincoln Council I created and managed the Cultural Sector Partnership - working with partners in the private and public sector, heritage, arts and sports to develop strategies, conferences and cross cutting artistic programmes and festivals.
I have undertaken and continue to work independently with Lincolnshire County Council, Writing East Midlands, Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage, Shakespeare Schools Festival, Kazzum Theatre Arts, University of Lincoln, Lincoln Business Improvement Group and Arts Council of England to name a few.
Living in Linclonshire I am passionate about helping to esnure that connectivity exists between national and regional activities - helping to promote the best connectivity between opportunities and links between organisations.